28 September 2015

tips buah naga bagi kecantikan

•Lemon Face Pack (for oily skin): If you have an oily skin, add a spoon of milk and two spoons of lemon juice to smashed banana pulp. Apply the pack on your face to wait for twenty minutes. Wash with clean water.
Honey Face Pack (for normal to dry skin): Take mashed banana and add a spoon of honey to it. Apply on your face and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Both banana and honey have natural moisturizing properties that hydrate dry skin and make your skin feel supple.
•Sandalwood Face Pack To Make Skin Glow: Mix one spoons of smashed banana with one spoon of sandalwood powder and honey. Apply it on your face to get glowing and young looking skin.

Resep Cupcakes Lumer

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